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Welcome to the Ballard Marketplace

Below are instructions for registering, logging in, uploading products, and editing your products and your profile. You can contact with any questions along the way.

Step 1: Register

*Already registered? Skip to Step 2!

A few tips:

  • The URL you enter in the Business Website field must start with http:// or https:// 
  • The business photo you upload should be at least 600px wide (so not super small thumbnail photos!).  And the file size should not exceed 3MB (so not HUGE photos either!) 
  • If you are a restaurant, brewery, or cafe offering takeout or delivery, be sure to click the ‘Are you a restaurant’ checkbox and then fill out one or both of the fields. 
  • If you want to include a Virtual Tip Jar on your pages, click that checkbox and then enter your preferred donation URL. To set up a PayPal.Me donation page, follow these instructions.

Step 2: Upload a Product

  • After your account has been approved you can login here 
  • Enter your username and password and then click “Log In”
    • Did you forget your password?  Click the “Lost your password” link below the login form and then check your email for a link to reset your password
  • After you login, you will be automatically redirected to the product upload form 
  • Fill in the Product Name, Product Price (for gift cards include a price range!), and the Product Description.
  • Select at least one category that fits your product
  • Upload the product default photo (the photo that will appear on the shop page)
  • Upload up to 3 additional photos (this is optional; these additional photos will appear on the product detail page)
    • A few tips regarding uploading images:
      • Images uploaded should be at least 600px wide (so not super small thumbnail photos!).  And the file size should not exceed 3MB (so not HUGE photos either!)
      • File formats accepted are .jpg, .png., and .gif
  • Fill out one of the Where to Buy fields
    • Do you have a current online store?  Then enter the product URL in the first ‘Online Store URL’ field.
    • Do you want to process payments offline?  Then enter your email in the second field.
    • Do you NOT have an online store?   Enter a PayPal ‘Buy Now’ button script.  Detailed instructions for setting up a PayPal account and buy now buttons can be found here
  • Click to review the Terms & Conditions and then click the checkbox 
  • Check the Submit Product button (*Do not close your window while the product is being submitted; it might take a few minutes if you uploaded multiple photos)
  • After your product has uploaded you should see a Thank You message.
  • Want to upload another product?  Return to the product upload form here.

Editing Existing Products

  • First, make sure you are logged in, by going here and logging in
  • To manage your previously uploaded products, go here
  • Click on the name of the product that you want to edit
  • Edit any of the fields under the ‘Product Information’ tab 
  • Edit the product categories on the right, if needed
  • Click the ‘Product Images’ tab to manage the product image
    • To delete a photo, hover over the photo and click the “X”
    • To add a photo click the “Add Image” to add the primary photo, and click “Add to Gallery” to upload up to 3 additional photos
  • When you are finished updating your product, click the blue “Update” button
  • If you want to delete a product, go here, hover over the product name, then click the “Trash” link

Editing Your Business Profile

  • First, make sure you are logged in, by going here and logging in
  • Then you can go here to edit your public business profile
  • Click the blue “Update” button when you are complete
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